Word for the Yazidi People
by Jennifer Choi, January 2025
The Spirit of the Lord says to the Yazidi people:
"My beautiful tribe, you have been created to understand my mysteries. You are unique in your ability to unveil my manifold mysteries; the unfamiliarity and 'otherness' and many different layers of my mystery do not baffle you. You have a childlike ability to accept my traits and the diversity of my expression of who I am, without needing to force them into a framework of understanding that make sense to man. You are comfortable in the seemingly contradictory or incongruous expressions of my nature. You are made to thrive in my mysteries!
BUT you as a people are yet to KNOW me - you have always been close to me, but have never known me - like the Samaritans in New Testament times. Both your sufferings and great exploits against the forces of the Muslim Empire have made you cling desperately to your identity and beliefs, with no room for critical examination of your own identity and culture - nor seeking for the TRUTH: You have shed blood throughout the generations to preserve your identity; to deny your Yezidi identity is to succumb to the conquerers that you have fought against - and continue to fight against.
Survival has been your objective. But now it is time for you to ask yourselves - what is my survival unto? To whom do I owe my life? Who holds the future of my people in his hands?
I say to you, Yazidis - seek the TRUTH. Seek ME! As your hunger and thirst grows for a hope and a future for your people - I will reveal myself to you. This generation of youth (13 - 25) will find me. Despite being shadowed by the trauma and violence of the ISIL invasions (2014-17), they shall seek ME in the absence of tradition, extended families and nationhood. For I am the God of the orphans and the widows; I will rescue and adopt them. A window of time is NOW upon the Yazidi youth - they shall have vivid encounters with ME. They shall find me under foreign skies, amongst peoples and tongues unfamiliar to them. There, they shall receive revelation of I AM. There they shall see and perceive in the Spirit! They shall realise how the god of their ancestors does not have the power to rescue them - and cannot give them a hope and a future. Am I not the TRUE God, the God who was first known in the land/territory of your ancestors? Did I not reveal myself (through Jonah) to Nineveh?
You know very well the stories of your people and have told them over and over again - from your history, from your past. But now I ask you, Yazidis - what is the story you wish to foretell, about your future? Brave, young ones arise! Move outside of the shade of the past, the limitations set by the generations of yesterday. You shall be part of the Joel 2:28/Acts 2:17 company - the sons and daughters that prophesy, the young men who will see visions. Get ready for the visitations of My Spirit - the first wave will anger you, the second wave will astonish you, and the third wave will alter (transform) you.
Call to cross-cultural ministries:
“International and cross-cultural ministries with a call to nations, tribes, peoples and tongues from the Middle East: I call you to cultivate online presence to reach and equip these young Yazidis. This generation shall not be instructed by the religious spirit or the decaying church culture of the West - but they shall find help from the rising/emerging generation of pure Kingdom workers (rooted or established in the Middle East/West Asia) who will offer friendship and brotherhood/sisterhood.”