Word for Korea: Two Koreas - Become One!
by Jennifer Choi, November 2024
The Spirit of the Lord says to Korea:
“Watch and listen as my throne of judgment moves above the Korean peninsula.
Hear me pronounce death to the Kim dynasty in the North: Your line is broken!
I am not blind to the abuse of authority, the generations of Kims and their power elites who have governed only to kill their own people. In driving their own citizens to death, they have relinquished their rights to the nation’s future. No further heirs shall come forth from the Kims; their seed shall perish.
The year 2026 will mark the beginning of a new history for the two Koreas: North and South shall be divided no longer. Two Koreas – BECOME ONE!
The angel of Korea stands with a sword pointed towards the 38th parallel line (the North-South border): With a swift strike, the chains shall break and fall to the ground. Their clattering and clunking shall be heard far beyond the peninsula, creating earthquakes and tsunamis of liberation.
O South Korea, do not think that the joining of the two Koreas will come only through the judgment of the government of the North. Do you not see My angels of judgment standing over your atmosphere to release judgment over the churches of South Korea? The scrolls have been dispatched – they are now being delivered.
You churches and Christian leaders who have failed to righteously steward finances, assets (buildings and land), and more importantly, the people of God: Your influence shall be taken away. Your worship of the sweet and candy-coated Jesus, and your creation of a counterfeit and sanitised Christian culture has only produced fair weather church attendees - not members of the living Ecclesia. Your works shall be blown away like chaff.
For I MUST begin the work of producing the remnant of the Korean Ecclesia: I MUST purify the churches of South Korea. My eyes are on the churches, ministries, leaders and servants who have operated in the shadow without fanfare. My eyes are on my servants who have loved the dispossessed, the migrants and foreigners, the disabled and dying. I will gather unto Myself those believers who are ready to embrace loss of income, loss of leisure and loss of privilege – in exchange for the glorious future of the Korean peninsula, the beginning of Korea’s last-days destiny.
I will raise up and establish the five-fold churches and Offices through one Korea, not two. From the North will come the Apostles and Prophets; from the South, the purified Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers. I have been waiting to reinstate the spiritual leadership of the North, where the first fires of revival were poured out in the early 1900s.
Churches of the South, be ready to accept the leadership of the Apostles and Prophets of the North. Churches of the North, be ready accept the strategies, skills and resources of the South. You shall become the broken sword that is re-forged. Together, you shall rise in authority and power to demolish continental powers and principalities that have remained unchallenged in Asia.
In this hour, Spirit-directed prayers must arise from both Koreas. Let the mighty streams converge to flush out the agents of darkness that are stationed to hijack your future. Target your prayers to knock out the spirits of pride, fear (which leads to self-preservation and resistance to change) and confusion. Pray for anointed leaders of society, culture and business to arise and come together with one heart – for they shall broker the conditions for unification, more so than political leaders and government officials. A council of such leaders – with 8 key members – shall be established; they will do great exploits. Pray also for the exposure of corruption and the treasures of the wicked that lie hidden – both within the Korean territory and overseas. Pray to re-capture of the wealth of the corrupt, to resource the future of the unified Korea.”