Word for Singapore
by Jennifer Choi, January 2024
“Singapore, I am preparing you to assume your new identity as Rescuer of nations - in this era of war and chaos.
You have been a Merchant amongst nations – wise and knowledgeable, profiting and gaining through the way you have traded with nations near and far. You exemplify prosperity and stability; you are the envy of many nations. You have come to exert a strength that is disproportionately powerful in contrast to your small size.
Yet, in the applauding of your accomplishments, the worship of the wisdom and capability of man has taken centre stage. Your people place their trust in man-made systems and structures – even my Church and my people (Christians) commit this idolatry. The ability I have given you to envision and execute excellence has been invested in things that primarily benefit you and your own people. You have gloried in your own prosperity, and shown favouritism towards those who are wise, strong and rich. Self-interest is what motivates you, O Merchant – not sacrifice. Although the excess of your wealth and resources should have become a provision for nations, currently you know only to lend - not how to give freely and generously. You have not yet learned how to excel in the grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7).
I am about to hold you in my grip and wrestle with you, as I did with Jacob (Genesis 32). I will pull your sockets out of joint: Over the next five years, I will deconstruct each pillar of prosperity and stability built by man that holds up your current frame. I will expose the frailties in your government, your economy and private sector, your education systems, your cultural and religious pluralism, and your communications capabilities. I must pull these apart - to expose and destroy the elements that are inherently self-serving and self-glorifying.
As these pillars are thrown into disarray, I will raise up my Church and my people in Singapore to point towards the future, to model the calling and mandate I place upon Singapore as the rice bowl (bread basket) for the nations. I will pour out the wisdom that was upon my servant Joseph to my Church and my people in Singapore: They are to begin preparing for famine by storing up the abundance of previous years. I will show my Church and my people where they are to build up storehouses; I will reveal to them the supply routes for moving both people and resources around. Some will supply nations that are close by – others will reach nations afar. Going beyond supplying for the needs of families of believers, churches and creating Goshen areas in other nations, Singaporean churches and Christians (including business owners and investors) will finance and catalyse Kingdom movements across the globe. The Remnant churches and believers will be born and made strong through Singapore.
Even now, I am placing undeniable favour upon churches (big and small) and believers who practice Kingdom Economics, who go far beyond the elemental teachings and requirements of tithes and offerings. Their priorities and efforts are intentionally focused on channelling Heaven’s resources out to the nations. Churches that are inward-looking will not have my blessing, nor carry my anointing in this season. A season of preparation is upon you, Singapore. Through this season I will empower you to fully function in your calling as the Antioch of Asia, as the supplier to - and rescuer of - nations. Your inheritance as a nation will be great in my Kingdom, and you will be given honour for embracing the call of this hour.”